K M Institude Of D Pharmacy

President Message

I extend a warm welcome to all the parents & students to the beautiful  campus of Kasamji Sevabhavi Santha. KSSK came into existence in 1 by the  initiative taken by eminent personalities Mr. MUSTAFA QURESHI,. Under  their guidance, KSSK Mahavidyalaya was established as a pioneer Education  Institute in Kaij. We are proud to tell you that, KSSK has earned a good name  as excellent educational institute in Urdu and Pharmacy .
We are striving for the all sided development of our students. The  mission of KSSK is to provide education to the students from socially &  economically backward sectors of society, especially girl students, and to  equip them with knowledge & skills to face the competitive world and thus  make them self-reliant. Observing that there is One Pharmacy college in the
fast developing city of Kaij, the management of KSSK, proposed to start a new D Pharmacy college in Kaij in 2023. I, in the capacity of President of  KSSK VidyaMandir, on behalf of all Governing Council members, welcome  all aspiring students to the Pharmacy institutes of KSSK & wish you all the best for your future.

Mr. Mustafa AbdulWahab Qureshi
Kasamji Sevabhavi Sanstha,Kaij

Principal Message

The K.M.Institute Of D.Pharmacy Kaij was established in 2023 with a  goal to impart quality education, skills, knowledge. The philosophy of institute is to transform and redefine the educational process in order to create  a newsystem that educational process in that educational process in order to  create a new system that is able to produce a new generation of professionals.
The institute is equipped with the best infrastructure to prepare students to become successful professionals. Students in the institute are trained to convert innovative ideas into attainable and practical models to meet the  growing demand of pharmaceutical industry.
We have highly dedicated, qualified, enthusiastic and exceptionally brilliant  faculty to ensure betterment of students in every aspect and to uplift students  of rural areas. I believe that any student of our group will never face any difficulty to get employment as well as opportunity for higher studies.
I heartily welcome all the students into our family and wish them a positive phase of learning and enjoyable stay at KMIDP

Mr. Vikas S.Munde (M.Pharm)
K.M.Institute Of D.Pharmacy,Kaij

Mr. Vikas S.Munde